Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Fishing in the Colorado River

Fish fry anyone?

I took Tate and Grant to camp and fish at our lease this weekend. The kids had a blast playing with all the other kids that were there. Brad's family, his parents and his brother's family were all there staying in there campers.

We caught about 50 pounds of fish from the river all on a rod and reel. We used worms, shad and cut bait for the big fish. Tate helped me reel in the 12lb yellow catfish. Brad's yellow catfish was just under 20lbs.

Tate and Grant helped me "plant" sunflowers in the big field where the hogs had dug up the ground. -for the doves


TeamBortzfield said...

Wow big fish! I can't wait for the fish fry~

Anonymous said...

your blog is good,
I like you!